
Desktop Trader

JD Trader V4是應用于微软視窗操作系統上的桌面应用交易客戶端。用户下载后需运行安装。交易客戶端為用戶提供一切交易所需的功能如實時報價,走勢分析,賬戶狀況及歷史查詢等。

JD Trader V4 is a native application that designed to run on Microsoft Windows Platform. Download and installation are required. It offers all necessary components to meet the demand of traders from the novice experimenters to sophisticated fund managers.

Please click at botton below to dowload and setup the platform.

Web Trader

Web Trader 是運行於主流瀏覽器和移動設備的交易平臺,自適應各種大小屏幕。交易客戶端為用戶提供一切交易所需的功能如實時報價,走勢分析,賬戶狀況及歷史查詢等。

Web Trader is a trading platform running on mainstream browsers and mobile devices, adaptive to various screen sizes. The transaction client provides users with all the functions required by the transaction, such as real-time quotation, trend analysis, account status and historical query.

Please click at button below for instant connection

Android APP Trader

Android APP Trader 是應用于安卓移動設置上的原生APP。交易客戶端為用戶提供一切交易所需的功能如實時報價,走勢分析,賬戶狀況及歷史查詢等。

Android APP Trader is a native platform that designed to run on Android devices. It offers all necessary components to meet the demand of traders from the novice experimenters to sophisticated fund managers.

Please click at botton below to dowload and setup the platform.

安卓APP下載(綫路 1)
Android APP download(line 1)

安卓APP下載(綫路 2)
Android APP download(line 2)

iOS APP Trader

iOS APP Trader 是應用于蘋果移動設置上的原生APP。交易客戶端為用戶提供一切交易所需的功能如實時報價,走勢分析,賬戶狀況及歷史查詢等。

iOS APP Trader is a native platform that designed to run on iOS devices. It offers all necessary components to meet the demand of traders from the novice experimenters to sophisticated fund managers.

Please click at botton below to dowload and setup the platform.

iOS   APP   download

首次運行,輸入組別編號 618668
Please insert Group no. 618668 on 1st run

Demo Account Application      

Live Aaccount Application